Partnerships and Sponsors
The National Society of Black Engineers is a 24,000+ member organization, founded in 1975, that supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate/pre-collegiate students and professionals in the engineering disciplines. NSBE currently offers Special Interested Groups (SIG) to advance NSBE’s global impact in targeted industry verticals. The Aerospace SIG promotes internal and external technical excellence within a defined framework that includes: Research, Outreach, Advocacy, and Development.
These focused initiatives build a R.O.A.D. map to help partners and members develop talents and relevant core competencies for their industry segment verticals.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world's largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and more than 240 active student branches, AIAA brings together the entire aerospace community to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. AIAA student members have leadership opportunities, practical and compelling content at their fingertips, and access to unmatched benefits.
Let AIAA support you and assist in your professional development. For more information visit or contact Mention you are a NSBE member when contacting AIAA.
NSBE-BWSI Build a CubeSat Challenge
Join the NSBE-BWSI Challenge focused on building a CubeSat. Students work together and compete to develop their own 1U CubeSat to complete an ocean science research mission. Teams of roughly five students work together to develop satellite subsystems that can power and support an optical payload while analyzing data and wireless transmitting the results to a ground station.
Learn more on the NSBE-BWSI website today!
NSBE Partners with The American Rocketry Challenge
The American Rocketry Challenge is a rocket contest that gives middle and high school students the opportunity to design, build and launch model rockets and hands-on experience solving engineering problems. Sign up to be a mentor today!
To learn how to participate in the program today!